Imagine there was
a large room, inside this room a tracking system with wich all movements inside could be registred, connected to a workstation, running a program and sending its outputs to six videobeams, which all point to the six walls of this room. |
Taking physics one can think of the volume of the room as filled by a parametric liquid, and of the walls as built out of a parametric elastical material like rubber. Every movement inside the room creates a wave inside the liquid and deforms its confinements. |
The algorithms
for the simulation and the visualization were prototyped in IDL.
The first approach uses a lattice model as representation of the
volume. In this example a single event sets the room elements in
motion. |
The display of the geometry of the room depends on the illumination model used in the visualization. The deformations of the room's confinements are made visible through the changing shadows on the walls. | |||
For support,
contributions or information please contact covarpa. © c.rothkopf, covarpa, 1998-2002. Last updated 15 March 2002. |